Tim Ophelders

As of May 2021, I have a joint appointment as an assistant professor in the Geometric Computing group at Utrecht University and the ALGO cluster at TU Eindhoven. My research direction is computational geometry and topology, and I specialize in continuous distance measures for low-dimensional shapes.

Between September 2018 and August 2020, I was a postdoc in the Munch Lab at Michigan State University. There, I worked on layouts and distance measures for Reeb graphs, as well as the analysis of voxel data using topological methods. Between September 2020 and June 2021, I was a postdoc in the ALGA cluster at TU Eindhoven.

In August 2018, I obtained my PhD degree from the AGA group of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of TU Eindhoven. My PhD was supervised by Bettina Speckmann and co-supervised by Kevin Buchin.

My CV (updated October 14, 2024) and a digital copy of my PhD thesis can be found here.

office BBG 411 (Buys Ballot building)
mail address Department of Information and Computing Sciences
Utrecht University
Princetonplein 5
3584CC Utrecht
The Netherlands
office MF 7.070 (MetaForum)
mail address Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
TU Eindhoven
P.O. Box 513
5600MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands